About Us

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Empowering Education in the Arab World

Education Clinic is a non-profit organization established in the United States of America dedicated to advancing the education scene in the Arab world through academic, research, and career mentoring We offer a range of programs, activities, and courses that enrich the scientific and educational arena, facilitate communicatio nwithin the community, and create connections between scientists, researchers, and experts from top-tier academic and profesional institutions. Our effirts proven instromental in expertise transfer,removing bariers, and raising intelectual awarenes among Arab youtht, sed Education Clinic is a non-profit organization established in the United States of America dedicated to advancing the education scene in the Arab world through academic, research, and career mentoring We offer a range of programs, activities, and courses that enrich the scientific and educational arena, facilitate communicatio nwithin the community, and create connections between scientists, researchers, and experts from top-tier academic and profesional institutions. Our effirts proven instromental in expertise transfer,removing bariers, and raising intelectual awarenes among Arab youth.


Our History

Education Clinic started its activity as a Facebook group on the 6th of July 2019 with only two volunters and 20-30 folowers.On March 2020,it was officialy registered as a non-profit educational organization in Texas, United States of America.It is grown up to reach more than 200K Followers and a team of 200 volunteers as of September 2023.

Our Mission

Connect different levels of experiences and facilitate their communication and transfer of Knowledge and expertise so that the least experience can benefit from the existing experts.


Education clinic tries to address two major Sustainable Development Goals (SGDs): 1) No PovertyL by addressing the financial gap experienced by many students, and 2) Education Quality: through the periodic launches of several programs.

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Excelence and Leadership

We believe that progression stems from taking advantage of opportunities and willingness to take and manage risks.


Sustainable Development

We always believe in the development of the skills of individuals at all times and in all places.


Transparency and Integrity

To provide high quality guidance, the members of the Education Clinic believe in academic and research ethics and the need to fight against discrimination and conflicts of interest.

aboutTeam Members


The Education Clinic was founded by seven scitenes who came togeather.


Professor Ali Abdu

  • Scientific Advisor, Halliburton, Texas, USA

  • PhD in Nuclear Engineering, University of Wisconsin Madison, USA


Dr. Eng. Ramzy Abdelaziz

  • Staff Scientist, Nanomicroscopy Centre, Aalto University, Finland
  • PhD in Nanochemistry and Martial Science, Kiel University, Germany

Dr. Mohamed Hammam

  • Assistant Lecturer, Misr University for Science and Technology, Egypt
  • PhD in Radiology, Alexandria University, Egypt

Professor Mohamed Helmy

  • Principle Scientist, Vaccine and Infectious Diseases Organization, Saskatoon, Canada
  • PhD in Systems Biology, Keio University, Tokyo, Japan

Associate Professor Mahmoud Abdel-Hafiez

  • Associate Professor, Uppsala University, Sweden

  • Habilitation Degree in Physics

Assistant Professor Yasser Hassan

  • Assistant Professor, Qatar University, Qatar

  • PhD in Chemical Engineering, University of Toronto, Canada

Associate Professor Abdelrahman Zakaria

  • Specially Appointed Associate Professor, Kyushu University, Japan
  • PhD in Applied Physics, Kyushu University, Japan